- The crypto bull market is heating up, and now’s the perfect time to grab your free Bitcoin.
- Just yesterday, hundreds of members jumped at the chance to claim theirs. Have you claimed yours yet?
- Here’s the deal: You can get $10 in Bitcoin (BTC), completely free – no catch, no purchase necessary.
- Just attend one of this week’s exclusive workshops, immerse yourself in the knowledge, and complete a short quiz.
- $10 in BTC will be sent straight to your crypto wallet.
- Click Here For More Info : https://bit.ly/43e1oX8
- The crypto bull market is heating up, and now’s the perfect time to grab your free Bitcoin.
- Just yesterday, hundreds of members jumped at the chance to claim theirs. Have you claimed yours yet?
- Here’s the deal: You can get $10 in Bitcoin (BTC), completely free – no catch, no purchase necessary.
- Just attend one of this week’s exclusive workshops, immerse yourself in the knowledge, and complete a short quiz.
- $10 in BTC will be sent straight to your crypto wallet.
- Click Here For More Info : https://bit.ly/43e1oX8
The crypto bull market is heating up, and now’s the perfect time to grab your free Bitcoin. Just yesterday, hundreds of members jumped at the chance to claim theirs. Have you claimed yours yet? Here’s the deal: You can get $10 in Bitcoin (BTC), completely free – no catch, no purchase necessary. Just attend one of this week’s exclusive workshops, immerse yourself in the knowledge, and complete a short quiz. $10 in BTC will be sent straight to your crypto wallet. Click Here For More Info : https://bit.ly/43e1oX8
5.3 17:56
Dobrý deň, prosím o radu ako môžem z MT Nokia 535 Dual SIM nahrať do PC video snímky pri Windows XP ? Zatiaľ môžem iba foto. Ďakujem za radu
15.03 19:27 reagovat
Kupil som starši PC pôvodne použivaný v Rakúsku bankovým úradníkom, v ktorom bola nainštalovaný Win 8 a Office asi 2003 abo 2007. V zadnej časti Produkt Key je číslo Win Vista. Po spadnutí programu som tento dal preinštaloval avšak stratil sa mi Office. Skúšal som všetky možné a dostupné verzie, no ani v jednej verzii nevie verifikovať Product key. Dá sa podľa product key zistiť, aká tam má byť verzia Office?
28.08 12:06 reagovat
Dobrý den,
ač systém Windows i kancelářský balík Office pocházejí od stejného vývojáře, nejsou na sobě nijak závislé. Z licenčního čísla k systému tak nelze vyvozovat nic dalšího. Pokud je i přeinstalovaný systém, tak už nepůjde vytáhnout ani licenční číslo od Office, které se jinak dá softwarově zjistit.
28.08 12:41 reagovat